30 Mar 2010
N23 11.497 E120 23.784
We arrived WuShanTou Reservoir from Siao Ruishi 小瑞士 pretty late in the afternoon. After contemplating if you should camp at 烏山頭水庫風景區 Wusantou Reservoir Camp we decided to drive around the reservoir using the plantation roads till we find a nice spot to spend a night.
After few winding dead end routes around the reservoir we came to a temple. We consulted with the care taker old man who was a round 80 plus of age if we can spend a night. He later told us alittle history of the temple and it was also to commemorate a Han General 太祖老君. In the evening many villages would come up to the temple to pray.
As we when deeper into the reservoir I realised my fuel was low. We decided to head back the main road which took us a while till we met with route 174. Along the way, we stop by a few plantation and farm for some pictures.
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